Saturday, February 7, 2009

Nicky is here now

Nicky arrived and now she writes better blogs than me.
We are in Buenos Aires and have been for 3 days. The first we did nothing due to getting Nicky from the airport, the second we did nothing all morning, because we were trying to get to another hostel. That afternoon we metro´d into town to see a building that was closed, so we left. Metro´d back to hostel to go explore around the area - theres a nice lake that had geese...and ducks with white faces. We got on a peddle boat, and nicky and Katrina chaffeured me and Claire around the lakes. Then i got an was a rocket but was nestle.
Went to the JUMBO EaSY to get a grocery shop, it took us about an hour and a half to find ingredients for pasta. The supermarkets here are incomprehensible, but not because of the language, just the strange and illogical layout. we changed our dinner plans many times in that time there.
We went out after dinner to check out the night life here in Argintina.... we ended up at McD´s for sundaes.
Today we woke due to the horrendously loud noises of spanish children playing antique fusball at 8.30am . It involved a lot of screaming and banging.
We then left at 12 for Recoleta. There was a church, we went in. There were gold decorations. We then ate bananas and shoped at a market. I got a blue dress, nicky got a brown one, claire got the bag she was dreaming of and so did Katrina. Everything was swell.
Then we went to the Buenos Aires Cemetary where Evita died...(was buried) . the tombs were spectacular. Hers was not as extravagant as Dr Jesus P. , or Manual Fernando and his 5 generations of Manual Fernando. There was one huge statue that was a guy wrestling a lion that was half lion, quarter man, and quarter woman. And there was another statue of the grim reaper.
Then we went to a park that contained a hUge metalic flower. Only a photo can explain it... and a photo i dont have...yet. I shall upload some interesting photos in the future.
But tonight we did the most interesting thing of all - Tango show in Buenos Aires! it was amazing, they were really fast and accordians are amazing. The Bass cut out at the end and i felt sorry for them all coz he was cueing everyone...but it all worked out. The dancing was so fast that it seems imposible. The moves basically involved almost tripping the partner up , but not quite. Or , almost kicking you partner in the groin...but not quite.
I clapped like i had never clapped before.
We then went to see the night life again... RounD 2. ..I came home. Its now 3 am.
Good night

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